How to Use Behaviour Driven Development for Test Automation: Key Strategies and Benefits

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is a method in software development that promotes collaboration between developers, testers, and business stakeholders. By focusing on the user’s behavior, BDD helps ensure that the software meets the actual needs of its users. Using BDD for test automation allows testers to write tests in natural language, making it easier for everyone involved to understand and validate the software’s behavior.

A computer screen displaying code with BDD test scenarios, a keyboard, and a mouse

BDD transforms the approach to test automation by allowing teams to write executable specifications. These specifications can be automatically run and validated, ensuring that the software behaves as expected. This aligns with an Agile development process, promoting rapid and continuous development cycles. One key aspect of BDD is the use of domain-specific languages like Gherkin to describe the expected software behavior in plain text.

Using BDD frameworks effectively bridges the gap between technical and non-technical team members. It allows for the creation of tests that accurately reflect user requirements while being easily understandable by stakeholders. This collaborative approach not only saves time but also reduces the chances of misinterpretations.

Key Takeaways

  • BDD focuses on user behavior for more accurate testing.
  • Tests are written in plain language for better collaboration.
  • BDD ensures software meets user needs efficiently.

Understanding Behaviour Driven Development

Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is a collaborative approach that bridges the gap between business stakeholders and technical teams. It uses clear and simple language to create shared understanding and reduce rework.

BDD Core Concepts

BDD focuses on defining the behavior of a system through user stories and scenarios. These are written in a format that both technical and non-technical team members can understand, often using the Gherkin language.

Each scenario describes a specific feature behavior through steps: Given (context of the scenario), When (event that triggers the behavior), and Then (expected outcomes). This clear, structured format helps ensure that all team members have a common understanding of how the system should behave.

BDD vs TDD Differences

While both BDD and TDD focus on writing tests before code, they have distinct differences. In Test Driven Development (TDD), tests are written primarily by developers to check that individual pieces of code work correctly.

By contrast, BDD involves collaborative work with business stakeholders to define test scenarios that describe desired system behavior. TDD focuses on unit tests, while BDD focuses on higher-level integration and acceptance tests. BDD aims to create a shared language and understanding, making it different from TDD’s more technical approach.

BDD Tools and Frameworks

Several tools and frameworks support BDD methodologies. Cucumber is one of the most widely used BDD tools. It allows teams to write tests in plain language that can be understood by all team members and links them to automated test scripts.

Other popular tools include SpecFlow for .NET, and JBehave, which also uses the Gherkin syntax. These tools facilitate effective communication and test automation, promoting collaboration across teams and ensuring that the software delivers expected behavior.

Implementing BDD in Test Automation

Implementing Behavior Driven Development (BDD) in test automation involves setting up the right environment, creating effective scenarios, and automating those scenarios. This ensures that the team achieves better collaboration and test coverage.

Setting Up the BDD Environment

To begin with, choosing the right tools is crucial. Popular options include Cucumber, SpecFlow, and pytest-bdd. Each tool offers unique benefits and integrates well with different programming languages.

After selecting a tool, install it and configure the system. For example, installing Cucumber in a Java environment could involve adding dependencies to a pom.xml file. In a Python environment, installing pytest-bdd can be done using pip.

Setting up version control is also important. Tools like Git ensure that changes are tracked and collaboration is easier.

Creating Effective BDD Scenarios

Effective BDD scenarios start with clear communication. Teams should discuss requirements and translate them into scenarios using the Gherkin language. This format includes keywords like Given, When, and Then to describe user stories.

Focusing on the user’s perspective helps in writing meaningful scenarios. For instance, instead of saying “Check if the login button is clickable,” a scenario should describe: “Given the user is on the login page, When the user enters valid credentials, Then they should see the dashboard.”

Avoiding technical jargon in scenarios allows non-technical stakeholders to understand and contribute. Regular reviews and updates ensure that scenarios remain relevant and accurate.

Automating BDD Scenarios

Automation involves writing code to execute the BDD scenarios. In Cucumber, this typically means writing step definitions in languages like Java or JavaScript. For pytest-bdd, Python is used to write steps that match the Gherkin scenarios.

Maintaining a clean codebase is essential. Organizing tests and step definitions in a structured manner makes it easier to update and debug.

Using continuous integration (CI) tools, like Jenkins or Travis CI, automates running these scenarios regularly. This ensures that any failures are quickly identified and resolved, maintaining the health of the project.

Implementing BDD in test automation can help teams write more reliable and understandable tests, leading to better software quality and more efficient development processes. By focusing on setting up the right tools, creating clear scenarios, and automating effectively, teams can make the most of BDD.

Best Practices for BDD Test Automation

A laptop displaying BDD test automation code with a clear and organized structure, surrounded by relevant documentation and testing tools

Effectively using Behavior Driven Development (BDD) for test automation ensures smoother development cycles and higher quality software. Three key areas to focus on are maintaining test suites, facilitating collaboration, and continuous improvement.

Maintaining Test Suites

Maintaining test suites is crucial for long-term success in BDD test automation. Test cases must be updated regularly to reflect changes in requirements or code. Old or irrelevant tests should be removed to keep the suite efficient and relevant.

Automated scripts should be modular and reusable. This approach makes it easier to update individual components without affecting the entire suite. For instance, using reusable functions or scripts can save time and reduce errors.

Consistency in naming conventions and documentation is also important. Clear, descriptive names make it easier to understand the test cases. Comprehensive documentation helps in onboarding new team members and maintaining the suite over time.

Facilitating Collaboration

Facilitating collaboration between developers, testers, and business stakeholders is a cornerstone of BDD. Open communication ensures that everyone understands the tests and shares the same expectations. Tools like Cucumber, which read executable specifications written in plain text, can help bridge communication gaps.

Regularly scheduled meetings, such as sprint planning or review sessions, can help team members stay aligned. During these meetings, reviewing and refining test scenarios ensures that they are updated and relevant.

Using platforms that allow real-time updates and collaborative editing, such as shared repositories or cloud-based tools, can also be beneficial. This way, all stakeholders have access to the latest test scenarios and can make updates where necessary.

Continuous Improvement in BDD

Continuous improvement is vital for any successful BDD test automation strategy. Regularly reviewing the effectiveness of test cases helps identify areas for improvement. Metrics like test coverage and failure rates can provide insights into where enhancements are needed.

Shifting left and writing test scripts as early as possible can catch issues sooner and integrate testing into the development process. This proactive approach helps in reducing rework and increases the chances of delivering high-quality software.

Incorporating feedback from all team members, including developers, testers, and business stakeholders, can lead to more robust and meaningful tests. Regular training sessions can also keep the team updated on the latest tools and techniques in BDD.

Common Challenges and Solutions

A team collaborates on BDD test automation, facing challenges and finding solutions

Behavior-driven development (BDD) can present specific challenges, such as dealing with flaky tests, scaling across teams, and integrating with CI/CD pipelines. Addressing these issues is crucial to fully leverage BDD’s advantages in test automation.

Dealing with Flaky Tests

Flaky tests are tests that sometimes fail and sometimes pass without any changes in the codebase. They can undermine trust in the testing process.

Root Causes:

  • Timing issues: Tests that depend on exact timing or sequence.
  • Test Dependencies: Tests that depend on others or on external systems.
  • Data Sensitivity: Tests that fail due to variations in test data.


  • Stabilize Environment: Ensure a stable environment where tests can run reliably.
  • Isolate Tests: Make tests independent of other tests and external systems.
  • Mock External Dependencies: Use mocks or stubs to simulate external systems.
  • Use Robust Assertions: Implement assertions that account for acceptable variations.

Scaling BDD Across Teams

Scaling BDD across multiple teams can be challenging due to differences in workflows and communication barriers.


  • Standardize Practices: Create common guidelines and templates for writing BDD scenarios.
  • Shared Repositories: Use shared repositories to store and manage BDD scenarios.
  • Cross-Functional Teams: Encourage collaboration between developers, testers, and stakeholders.
  • Training Sessions: Conduct regular training to keep all team members updated on BDD practices.
  • Regular Review Meetings: Schedule frequent reviews to ensure consistency and address issues promptly.

Integrating with CI/CD Pipelines

Integrating BDD with CI/CD pipelines can ensure continuous testing and faster feedback.


  • Select Tools: Choose tools that support BDD integration with CI/CD (e.g., Jenkins, CircleCI).
  • Automate Tests: Set up automated BDD test suites that run on each code commit.
  • Monitor Results: Implement monitoring to track test results and performance metrics.
  • Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop to notify the team of test results.
  • Environment Management: Use containerization (e.g., Docker) to maintain consistent testing environments.

Addressing these common challenges effectively can lead to a smoother and more efficient BDD implementation for test automation.

Frequently Asked Questions

A computer displaying a step-by-step guide on behavior-driven development for test automation. A person's hand is seen clicking through the FAQ section

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) helps enhance collaboration and fosters better communication among team members. This section addresses common questions about BDD and test automation to provide clarity on the subject.

What are the steps to implement Behavior Driven Development in test automation?

  1. Define the business requirements and user stories.
  2. Write scenarios in a natural language using Gherkin syntax.
  3. Automate the scenarios using an appropriate framework.
  4. Execute the automated tests.
  5. Review the outcomes and refine as necessary.

How can BDD be integrated with Selenium for automation testing?

Integrate BDD with Selenium using frameworks like Cucumber. Write test scenarios in Gherkin syntax and connect these to step definitions in Selenium. This approach bridges the gap between technical and non-technical team members.

What are the differences between BDD and TDD in the context of test case development?

BDD focuses on the behavior of the software from a user’s perspective, using descriptive scenarios. Test cases in TDD are written from a developer’s perspective, focusing on the internal logic of the application. BDD aims for better collaboration while TDD targets code correctness.

Can you provide an example of a BDD testing scenario?

Feature: User login
Scenario: Successful login with valid credentials
Given the user is on the login page
When they enter valid username and password
Then they should be redirected to the dashboard

Which tools are most effective for Behavior Driven Development testing?

Effective tools for BDD include Cucumber, SpecFlow, and JBehave. These tools support writing scenarios in plain language and are compatible with various programming languages and frameworks.

How do you write effective test cases using the BDD format?

Start by understanding the business needs. Use the Gherkin syntax, which includes keywords like Given, When, and Then. Ensure the scenarios describe clear steps and expected outcomes. Make them readable for both technical and non-technical team members.

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